Would you use a hammer to cut your hair? Or a stethoscope to check your oil?  Join HCAF as we welcome speaker Jason Chagnon and learn about using marketing tools that will make your agency stand out in the crowd.

HCAF Webinar: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 – 12:00 PM -1:00 PM ET (login at 11:45 AM)

Register: Click Here


In marketing today, there are more tools than ever…and more ways to misuse them!

In this discussion, we’ll examine the most popular marketing tools being used in the home care industry today. We’ll take a look at both digital and traditional marketing, and show you where to begin, and how to get the best returns on your time and money.

  • Here are some of the tools (and questions) we will review:
  • Direct mail – does it work? If so, how?
  • Email marketing – can you get people to actually read your email?
  • Blogging & Social Media sharing – what works…and what’s a waste of time?
  • Website design & SEO – how do you get website visitors to take action?
  • Sales collateral – is it needed?